Nurturing Growth: A Guide for Parents on Tracking Their Child’s Progress at Mission Academy

At Mission Academy, we believe that a child’s educational journey is a collaborative effort between educators, parents, and students. To foster this collaboration, we have implemented a range of strategies to help parents actively track and support their child’s progress.

In this blog post, we’ll explore key ways parents can stay informed and engaged in their child’s academic journey.

Educator-Guide Progress Tracking

Our dedicated educators at Mission Academy take a proactive approach to tracking learner progress. Through weekly observations and evidence-based tracking, educators assess students’ work and input this valuable information into our student management software, Rediker. Parents can access their child’s digital progress reports through quarterly updates using a mastery-based grading system that looks at student progress over time.

Parent-Guide Conferences

Twice a year, we invite parents to participate in conferences with our educators. This provides a unique opportunity for parents to ask questions, discuss concerns, and review their child’s work. These conferences are a vital communication channel to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the child’s academic development.

Public Exhibits and Real-World Judging

Mission Academy believes in showcasing students’ achievements through public exhibits. Real-world experts, such as NASA engineers or local bankers, judge these exhibits. This not only allows students to demonstrate mastery through real projects but also provides exposure to public speaking—an essential skill for their future endeavors.

Google Classroom Access

For grades four and above, parents have convenient access to their child’s online dashboard in Google Classroom. This feature enables parents to stay updated on assignments, monitor completed work, and actively engage in their child’s learning environment.

Student Portfolios

Encouraging learners to maintain a portfolio of their best work, we provide parents with insight into their child’s academic growth throughout the academic year. These portfolios serve as a tangible representation of the child’s achievements and progress.

Parent-Child Communication

Encourage open communication with your child about their academic experiences at Mission Academy. Instead of hovering, ask open-ended questions about what they’re learning, the challenges they face, and their achievements. This approach empowers children to take ownership of their learning journey, fostering responsibility and autonomy. It strengthens the parent-child bond and nurtures a proactive attitude towards education. At Mission Academy, we believe that fostering confident, self-directed learners begins with meaningful communication.

Transparent Communication Commitment

Mission Academy is committed to transparent communication, inviting parents to connect with school administration and educator guides for any questions or concerns. This commitment underscores our dedication to fostering collaboration and addressing the unique needs of each student.


At Mission Academy, we prioritize the active involvement of parents in their child’s education. By implementing these strategies, we aim to create a supportive environment where parents can confidently track, engage, and contribute to their child’s academic success. Together, we nurture growth, accountability, and a lifelong love for learning.